Event Details


Location: SZ-31, Simon building, TiU

Start date

Oct. 3, 2019, 10 p.m.

End Date

Oct. 3, 2019, 10:45 p.m.

Type of event: Education

Organized by: Board 3

Pattern at Night University

This event is free!

Night University is the free science festival of Tilburg University. On Thursday, October 3, 2019, TiU's bustling university campus is the exciting place where science and society meet, because, after all, science is for everybody! You can go to all kinds of night talks, debates, workshops, serious games, labs, guided tours, cultural performances and other experiences.

Pattern will also attend Night University with a special Night Talk given by prof. dr. Maurits Kaptein at 22:00 in SZ-31, Simon building.

More info about the Night Talk:
Novel insights from behavioral science and data science are actively used to understand, and influence, the online behavior of consumers. In this talk prof. dr. Maurits Kaptein will detail the pervasive practice of persuasion profiling.
By examining the click-stream of consumers, computers can learn which sales arguments make an individual customer 'tick'. The talk will briefly cover the necessary behavioral science insights and subsequently focus on the data science methods used to personalize e-commerce offers at large scale and there will be sufficient time for questions and reflection.