Event Details


Location: AKD - 44th floor, Rotterdam

Start date

May 15, 2019, 4 p.m.

End Date

May 15, 2019, 9:30 p.m.

Type of event: Career

Organized by: Board 2

AKD Legal Tech Evening

This event is free!

What will the future of law firms look like? Will lawyers be replaced by robots or is this science fiction? How will technology change the way firms work together with their clients? We are invited to discuss the future of AKD and their industry on May 15 at 16:00 on the 44th floor of their Rotterdam office.

Multiple lawyers of AKD will be present, including their managing partner. The goal of the evening is for AKD to get a better insight into the possibilities of using technology at their firm, including Data Science. Dinner is included!

There are limited spots available and selection will be based on a short motivation. Registration deadline is 12 May.
16:00 Walk in - drinks
16:30 Opening by Erwin, managing partner
‘This revolution will happen on your watch’
16:40 Shake up by students of Pattern, the study association of
Data Science Students
What’s happening in the world, and what do we actually
know about it?
17:00 TechTalk #1: Luminance – the AI platform for the legal
17:20 TechTalk #2: Kira – machine learning software that identifies,
extracts, and analyses text in contracts and other documents
17:40 Breakouts: all AKD colleagues present divided into 3 groups,
1. What is the impact of legal tech on your career?
2. What is the impact of legal tech on our firm's future?
3. How is all of this going to change how we work together
with our clients?
18:30 Dinner
19:00 Plenary feedback: the best ideas
Everything begins with an idea. – Earl Nightingale
19:30 Wrap up and next steps by Erwin
19.40 Drinks