Event Details


Location: Johan Huizingalaan 765, 1066 VH Amsterdam

Start date

April 24, 2019, 10 a.m.

End Date

April 24, 2019, 3:30 p.m.

Type of event: Career

Organized by: Board 2

IBM & startups visit

This event is free!

Pattern is going to IBM and various startups in Amsterdam! Join us on April 24th to meet researchers and entrepreneurs. You'll get to know what they do working in the field of Data Science and you'll get to try a case out yourself, so bring your laptop!

Things we will do at IBM:

Introduction to IBM
AI basics intro with a quiz
AI ethics lecture
Project talk by an employee of the department Advanced Analytics
Visit Makerlab

In the afternoon, we will visit several startups near IBM Amsterdam. The exact startups have not yet been confirmed.
Also, exact ending time of this event has not 100% been confirmed yet. This will be communicated as soon as possible.
You can sign up until Wednesday, April 17 before 15:00. Limited amount of spots available. First come, first served. If you sign up to this event, you're expected to show up! You can sign out until Wednesday, April 17 before 15:00 as well by sending an email to info@dsapattern.nl.