Event Details


Location: Auditorium, TU/e

Start date

March 20, 2019, 9 a.m.

End Date

March 21, 2019, 5 p.m.

Type of event: Career

Organized by: Board 2

Career Expo - Wervingsdagen

This event is free!

The Career Expo is the largest technical career event in the entire Netherlands, during 19 and 20 March over a 160 companies will visit Auditorium. These companies will be looking for students from all studies, including Data Science, all you have to do is show up and start a conversation! At the Career Expo you can get a potential internship or job-offer. If you are not ready for those yet, you could simply learn about the effect of choices within Data Science and potential jobs that are out there for you. We will also be offering Extra Activities ranging from a CV check-up to a free professional LinkedIn photoshoot.

Want a chance to get a one-on-one with a company you like or do you want to simply explore some interesting companies within your field? During the Career Expo we offer a chance to speak to 3 companies over the course of roughly half an hour at our Company Speed Dates. For more information or a chance to sign up, check wervingsdagen.nl.