Event Details


Location: Dublin, Ireland

Start date

March 5, 2018, noon

End Date

March 9, 2018, noon

Type of event: Other

Organized by: Study Trip Committee

Study Trip 2019

This event is free!

D.S.A. Pattern is having its very first Study Trip!

From March 5 to March 9, we will travel to Dublin. The Study Trip Committee (STC) has devised a nice program with some free time for you to explore the city yourself. We will visit the Trinity University, that has a special Master in Data Science, visit IBM and Aylien, and do some sightseeing! And of course, there will also be some time to experience Dublin's nightlife.
The program is still a secret, but we can already provide you with some information of what you will at least receive for the payment of only €350,-.

Travel from Amsterdam Airport to Dublin and back
Travel to all parts of the program devised by the STC
Accomodation in the city centre, including breakfast
Dinner provided for at least one night

Registration deadline: February 6
Signing up for the study trip will be as follows:
1. Sign up for the event via the website.
2. You will be put on a waiting list.
3. Once you are chosen, you will get an invitation to sign the contract and pay.
4. As soon as you paid, you are officially a participant of the study trip.
Payment will be done in 2 periods

  1. First term of €75,- will be paid directly when signing the contract.
  2. Second term of €275,- will be paid via transfer before January 31.

    If all spots are taken, you will be put on the waiting list.

Questions? Send us an email via studytrip@dsapattern.nl