Event Details
Location: Luna 1.050
Start date
Oct. 19, 2022, 12:30 p.m.
End Date
Oct. 19, 2022, 1:30 p.m.
Type of event: Career
Organized by: Board 6
AIVD Lunch Lecture
This event is free!
Two data scientists from the General and Military Secret Service give you an inside look at their work. Using a hypothetical but very realistic project, they take you through the daily work of a data scientist. All facets are covered from initial 'customer contact' to 'final product'. Do you have a heart for data and algorithmics and are you curious about what it is like to use that passion for the safety of the Netherlands? Come meet us and let us take you through this case. Next to this, you will also receive free lunch and a MyFuture Activity point! If you sign up after the sign-up deadline (Sunday the 16th), you will not receive free lunch! If you've signed up and can no longer attend, send an email to external@dsapattern.nl 48 hours in advance!