Event Details


Location: Eindhoven Pattern Room (MF 3.061)

Start date

Feb. 15, 2023, 5 p.m.

End Date

Feb. 15, 2023, 8 p.m.

Type of event: Other

Organized by: Board 6

Board Interest Evening 2023

This event is free!

You weren't able to make it during the board info lunch, or you only recently got interested? Don't fret, there're more opportunities to find out more!

Do you want to have an amazing year full of unique experiences, learn new skills and more about yourself and get to know many interesting and diverse people? Do a board year at D.S.A. Pattern where you can do that and so much more!🤩

Not convinced yet? No problem, join the Board Info Evening! The Board will tell you what it means to do a board year and talk about their experiences and of course, you can ask all the questions you have!

Join us on the 15th of February from 17:00 with FREE pizza!! 🍕