Event Details


Location: Neuron 0.120

Start date

March 3, 2023, 12:30 p.m.

End Date

March 1, 2023, 1:30 p.m.

Type of event: Other

Organized by: Board 6

Kickoff Presentation: Forecasting Team

This event is free!

Do you want to put your studies into practice by participating in forecasting competitions together with a team?🔮

Join the kickoff presentation 📊 where we will introduce the concept, you can ask questions and give us your input on how what you would like to see in the team!

More about the forecasting team

Pattern is collaborating with the Effective Altruism association to set up a forecasting team. 💙 This team will join forecasting coding competitions 🏁 where they will compete with others worldwide to best predict the future. The team's main focus is to learn and explore forecasting techniques, applying data science methods and improving judgement skills. Besides that, there is a chance you might win a competition (incl. money).💰 💰

The forecasting team 👥 blends and trains data-driven forecasting with other research-backed techniques to apply and train the data science skills you learned during your studies!

Interested? Join our Whatsapp group via: https://chat.whatsapp.com/I2vPOsHW3ZpFR4nnVJGW1c